On the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Alessandro Scarlatti’s death and the 340th anniversary of Domenico Scarlatti’s birth, this international conference organized by Divino …
Presentation of the book O corpo nu nas artes performativas perspetivas trans‑históricas e críticas.
Livraria Linha de Sombra, Centro de Estudos de Teatro and Edições Húmus are pleased to invite you to the presentation of the book: O corpo …
Brecht in Focus: Reading and discussion of the poetic work of Bertolt Brecht
This project aims to promote the critical study of Bertolt Brecht’s poetic work, focusing on the analysis of his themes, theatrical techniques and political proposals, …
II Conference ARTHE Caring and transmitting: challenges posed by performing arts archives
This conference marks the end of the ARTHE – Archiving Theatre project (PTDC/ART-PER/1651/2021), which the Foundation for Science and Technology has funded for the last …
ponto. History of Theatre in Portugal Magazine
The magazine has filled a position that has been vacant for 70 years. As the title suggests, it aims, on the one hand, to revive …
Unsafe Conversations Decolonizing Decolonization with Marinho Pina
The topics of decolonization, decolonialism, and post-colonialism frequently appear in academic and artistic spaces. But how can we decolonize without altering the vertical structures of …
with Clara Amaral (NL/PT) The Lab for Experimental Editorial Practices is intended to support the development of performative edition tools within the scope of academic …
For the seventh edition of the series Practices of Encounter, the Centre for Theater Studies (CET/FLUL) and the acting studio O Canto do Bode are …
From the para-theatrical actions of Jerzy Grotowski’s Teatr Laboratorium to TEATROdaCAMARA: a creative journey
François Kahn will speak about his experience between his encounter with Grotowski, when he worked as a guide in the para-theatrical actions of the Teatr …
Cândida ou o pessimismo
‘Cândida ou o pessimismo’ by Cucha Carvalheiro is a satirical fable. Cândida, a Portuguese-African actress at the end of her career and suffering from psychotic …
Lab for the Actor
Training and recyling for actors, performers and professionals who deal with public spheres. The Method, the Physical Theatre, the Voice and the Dramatrugical Body. Organisationn: …
THEASTHAI: o poder de não ver
What can the difference of blindness offer to processes of creation and innovation?A conversation with author Cintya Floriani Hartmann with the participation of actor, director …
Tu Cá Tu Lá com a História do Teatro Centenário de Luiz Francisco Rebello
Tu Cá Tu Lá with Luiz Francisco Rebello’s Centenary Theatre History, on 20 November from 12.30 to 14.00. To mark the centenary of the birth …
Tipo de participação: Dramaturgia Nome do Investigador: Vera San Payo de Lemos Data: 11/09/2024 a 03/11/2024 Local: Teatro Aberto, Lisboa Link para mais informação: http://www.teatroaberto.com
Spectator’s Club
The SPECTATOR’S CLUB is a project coordinated by J.M.Vieira Mendes and Maria Sequeira Mendes, with the collaboration of Rua das Gaivotas 6 and Teatro do …
Stretch and Placement- Klein Technique™
The Klein Technique™ is a movement method developed by American Susan Klein that combines theory and experiential practice, with an emphasis on the continuous discovery …
Screening of the Documentary Film about 30 years of the CET | 5 November | 2 pm | Amphitheatre III. The film screening will be …
The Holocaust and Modernity: violence and obedience in presente societies
Funding Entity and Project Reference: ‘The Holocaust and Modernity: violence and obedience in presente societies’. Project funded by FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology under …