Performing Arts archives
One year after the final session when the companies and artists havinf received DGArtes’ funding for the conservation of their archives presented the state of their work and exchanged their experiences, the CEntre for Theatre Studies invites everybody for a public session to happen at the Auditorium of the National Library/site of DGArtes, between 2 pm and 6 pm.
The idea is to share with a wide audience, and with DGArtes itself and the trainers, the oucomes of this funding support and the eventual pursuit of the programme. It is also the opportunity for the companies and artists to talk to each other, in presence if possible, showing in a public way their works, methodologies, challenges and urgencies. So that the safeguard of the archives becomes something to be taken in consideration and not an unthinkable issue, because without a past there will not be a future.
Venue: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Date: 31 de Outubro de 2023