Casa Aberta Masterclass · O Actor e o Texto / The Actor and the Text

Casa Aberta

António Fonseca and Maria João Brilhante

Co-Production Teatrão/CET — FLUL

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Analysis, preparation and appropriation of texts are fundamental questions for António Fonseca and we challenged him to share them with this group. Maria João Brilhante embarked on an exploration with him based on the importance and pleasure of words.

In this second session of the Casa Aberta [Open House] Programme, António Fonseca was challenged, in the company of Maria João Brilhante, to bring us the experience of the actor’s relationship with the text; or rather, with the words in their materiality, but above all in their power to represent and even to create the world. The proposal being to work on the idea of the actor as a creator of worlds through the act of confronting, appropriating and incorporating words. Each selected text enables us to practice reading in silence, to explore meanings through microanalysis and discover what the experience of enunciating aloud the words written by others brings to each one of us. What worlds reveal themselves? What happens when the authors’ words become ours?

Data de início: 24/11/2018 12:00 am



Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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