The SPECTATOR’S CLUB is a project coordinated by J.M.Vieira Mendes and Maria Sequeira Mendes, with the collaboration of Rua das Gaivotas 6 and Teatro do Bairro Alto, and consists in promoting informal conversations about performances. This month it will take place on the 4th, at RG6, after the show 7 ≈ 8 by Aura, and at TBA after the shows Som e Fúria by Isabel Rodrigues Costa and Sh!t Theatre Drink Rum with Expats by Sh!t Theatre.

Dates: 04, 11 e 25 March, 2023

[+INFO] – https://ruadasgaivotas6.pt | https://teatrodobairroalto.pt

Data de início: 25/03/2023 12:00 am


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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