On 9th January, the second Criar e Produzir publication was presented, in an online discussion between Maria João Brilhante and Levi Martins, chaired by Miguel Branco. This was part of the 6th anniversary of Companhia Mascarenhas-Martins, CET’s partner in this project, which began in 2017 with a meeting that was published and is still available online. The broadcast was streamed through the of Companhia Mascarenhas-Martins’ Facebook page.
The first Criar e Produzir / Creating and Producing publication is available at http://www.ceteatro.pt/e-books and http://mascarenhasmartins.pt/edicoes.
Data de início: 09/01/2021 12:00 am
Link: http://facebook.com/mascarenhasmartins