Dance in Situation: Choreopolitics and Neo-Authoritarianism

Dança em situação: coreopolítica e neo-autoritarismo - Seminário com André Lepecki

André Lepecki introduced this seminar, “Dança em situação: coreopolítica e neo-autoritarismo” by saying “we will read, dialogue, think, and talk together over 3 days. Together for 3 days with each other. Together for 3 days with dance, performance, choreography and what we will provisionally call: ‘the situation’. Together with Christina Sharpe, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Jonathan Crary, Paul Preciado, Shannon Jackson, Morris Holbrook, Elizabeth Hirschman, Cedric J. Robinson, Giorgio Agamben and Georges Didi-Huberman. Or at least together with some of their texts. We will read a lot, perhaps too much, in English. We will chat in Portuguese. And think about whatever comes up. Videos and photos may appear. Descriptions and co-imaginations will be invoked. The new will be of less importance than the escape manoeuvre.”


The seminar ran from 22nd – 24th April between 10 am and 1 pm, and between 3 pm and 6 pm at the Pólo Cultural das Gaivotas | Boavista. 

The deadline for enrolments was 15th April 2019 through sending a completed form to

Data de início: 22/04/2019 12:00 am


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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