Dramaturgy Laboratory (5th edition)

Laboratório de Dramaturgia

The Dramaturgy Laboratory was conceived by Teatro Meridional, in collaboration with CET, and aims to encourage the creation of new texts in Portuguese by promoting a joint venture between writers and a panel of artists and academics in the writing of a text.

The deadline for applications was 10th February. Thirty-seven proposals were received, from which two authors were selected: Lara Morgado and Ricardo Correia, whose texts had, respectively, the following provisional titles: O sonho de alguém [Someone’s Dream] and Museu da História Europeia [Museum of European History].


Data de início: 10/02/2019 12:00 am

Link: http://www.teatromeridional.net/index.php/outras-actividades/laboratorio-dramaturgia


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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