Indíralo: how not to do something individually with María Jerez, Quim Pujol | 5 — 9 july| Centro Cultural do Alviela, Portugal
María Jerez, with the collaboration of Quim Pujol, invites us to work with the imperative of an invented verb: “Indíralo”. The definition of this verb would be “not to do something individually” and designates a practice in which actions mutually affect each other. In this practice, the collective body is inescapable and actions, realisations, compositions and states must always be defined as they occur in community, understanding community both as human and non-human.
During one week we will work on the choreography of a multiple and divergent brain that does not move in a single direction but rather along many simultaneous lines without reaching collective agreements. This choreography implies engaging with what we do not know and is not yet determined. It is a state of collective uncertainty.
We know we are together in “this”, but “this” is never defined, it is an enigma that we hold between us all, humans and non-humans. How can we engage with this suspension of sense and meaning? “Indíralo” is the celebration of this engagement, this coming together in the enigma.