Experimental Theatre in former Yugoslavia

Experimental Theatre in former Yugoslavia – a case study of the performance Pupilija, papa Puplo and the Pupilceks and its reconstructions

Pupilija, papa Pupilo and the Pupilceks [Pupilija, Papa Pupilo pa Pupilčki] was performed in 1969 by a group of poets, visual artists, musicians and amateurs. It consisted of twenty scenes, including elements of everyday life, popular culture, folklore, children’s games, contemporary dance, performance and improvisation. The performance is an iconic event of Slovenian theatre neoavantgarde and one of the most influential experimental performing works. It introduced an interdisciplinary approach into theatre and constituted the grounds for the understanding of performing arts as an area, where different artistic and social practices come together. Pupilija included elements of happening, body art, performance, improvisation, contemporary dance, everyday life, pop culture, ritual theatre, cabaret and political protest.

Data de início: 29/11/2021 12:00 am

Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7723662478#success

Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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