CET organised a lecture on “Criação como Rede em Construção”, with Cecília Salles of the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC/SP), which took place on 13th October, in Room 2.18 at FLUL.
The lecture presented the line of research on creation processes that arose amid the need to deal with documents from a great diversity of artistic genres. They are creation archives in the form of diaries, artists’ notebooks, audiovisual records, etc., which make it possible to understand the guiding principles of the studied artists’ processes. Such files are seen as indices of the development of process thinking. The discussion centred on theoretical and methodological aspects, which have been undergoing adjustments and expansions over time. The concept of creation as a network under construction was, therefore presented along these lines, considering some specificities of theatre creation.
Cecilia Almeida Salles is the Full Professor of the Post-Graduate Communication and Semiotics Programme at PUC/SP, as well as being Coordinator of the Research Group in Creation Processes. She is also the author of Gesto Inacabado (1998), Crítica Genética (2008), Redes da Criação (2006), Arquivos de Criação: arte e curadoria (2010) and Processos de criação em grupo: diálogos (2017).
Organization: CET and the Theatre Studies Programme