Curated by Dr Szabolcs Musca and Migrant Dramaturgies Network in collaboration with LegalAliens International Theatre, London, Migrations:Harbour Europe will present three plays on migration from Italy, France and Lebanon. The three plays are the result of a Europe-wide call we launched in 2018. The aim was to find texts addressing the theme of migration in an original and non cliched manner, avoiding the pitfall, noted by Chimamanda Adichie of “falling for the single story, reducing complex human beings to a single narrative”. We received 157 play submissions from across Europe and beyond, referencing a multitude of cultural contexts and theatre traditions.
The plays will be presented at the Arcola Theatre, London from 1.30pm on the 5th, 6th, 7th of February 2019, directed by Becka McFadden and performed by a multilingual international cast.
As part of Migrations: Harbour Europe, we put together a programme of engaging post-show conversations and a panel debate on emerging perspectives of theatre and migration.