The first and second issues of Ponto – Revista de Teatro em Portugal, the new Centre for Theatre Studies journal, are now available! As its name indicates, it aims, on the one hand, to revive memories, increasing knowledge of the Portuguese theatre phenomenon from its origins until 25 April 1974; on the other hand, to ensure the rigour of a process of re-visioning the History of Theatre in Portugal, which covers diverse themes and subjects, such as those inherent to the theatre performance itself (theatre professionals, repertoire, spaces, sets, costumes, music, theatre aesthetics, theatre poetics, etc.) or circumstantial (socio-labour conditions for the practice of theatre, socio-cultural place of theatre, cultural policies, etc.).
For the time being, the History of Theatre in Portugal is reviewed once a year, in issues that bring together articles of a different nature, from informative to essayistic.
2023 and 2024
Access issues of the magazine here