Through the following pages, it is possible to deepen the work of many portugueses quinhentistas authors, namely, gil Vicente who has been at the origin of some proverbs, Jorge Ferreira de Vasconcelos who applead to the hundreds of paramiological expressions in his three works and Antônio Prestes who suggests a new use of the theatrical language.
For today’s reader who wants to comprehend the theater piece of other time, shift to be fundaments to identify and also comprehend the means and the proverb senses. The brief formule, of the simple use that expresses, much of time metaphorically, a thougth, a principle and social or moral rule.
All of us has proverbs knowledge, being that his usual habit and tradionatility point for the reality that us judge understand. Who does not know the rigth verb to use in determinated context? All of us has conscience of it is argumentative and moralist efficacy. However, although this practical knowledge, it is possible go further and discover it is true essence, which find reflected in a great work names in portuguese literature, namely, in Luís de Camões’ theater.