The Poet is a recurrent and familiar character in the inset of the centuries XVII and XVII, and it is not uncommon to find different plots under the title: El Poeta or O Poeta. Indeed, a quick research for the word «poeta» in the summary of Entremezez ibéricos project: Inventory, edition and the study shows more than 60 occurrences, wich attest his popularity in the called brief theater. From Quiñones de Benavente (Poeta de los bailes y el letrado) until Agustín de Moreno (El Poeta), of Jacinto Cordeiro (Don Roque) until Pedro Antônio Pereira (O outeiro ou os poetas afinados), thus the most celebrities entremezistas of the Siglos de Oro how the unknow authors asked to this character to stage their theater.
Data de início: 01/04/2021 12:00 am
Year of publication: 2021