Sinais de Cena, 2nd series, nr. 2, 2017

Sinais de cena n.º 2 II

The 2017 issue is dedicated to the theme «Theatrical Genetics», a discipline of Theatre Studies with little expression in Portuguese academia still. The various theoretical articles, performance reviews and book reviews of and about theatre continue to map the incredible diversity of the performing arts in the contemporary scene. Emphasis on a long interview with the director and filmmaker Jorge Silva Melo, Portfolio dedicated to the 40 years of activity of Teatro Aberto, a tribute by Maria Helena Serôdio to the work of the playwright and historian Luiz Francisco Rebello and an analysis of the creative process of Teatro O Bando by Juarez Guimaraes Dias.

Featured authors: Alexandre Pieroni Calado | Ana Campos | Ana Clara Santos | Ana Rita Figueira | Anabela Mendes | Antonio Guedes | Carlos Pitella | Catarina Firmo | Catarina Neves | Claudio Castro Filho | Danielle Ávila Small | Emília Costa | Eunice Tudela de Azevedo | Fátima Saadi | Filipe Figueiredo | Francesca Rayner | Francisco Luís Parreira | Jorge Palinhos | Juarez Guimarães Dias | Maria Clara Ferrer | Maria Helena Serôdio | Maria João Brilhante | Paula Magalhães | Rui Pina Coelho | Sebastiana Fadda | Teresa Faria

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Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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