In the ninth issue of Sinais de Cena, the prizes awarded by APCT stand out in the Thematic Dossier, on the one hand, contemplating an actress with a well-established career such as Emília Silvestre, a publisher such as Cotovia (which has published an appreciable collection of theatre texts) and a project – Palcos Novos / Palavras Novas (PANOS) – involving highschools; and, on the other hand, “sharing” the Prize between a show about a canonical text by a company with a long and excellent artistic scope, such as Teatro da Cornucópia, and a much more recent one – Primeiros Sintomas – which was driven by a contemporary dramaturgy of shock. The Portfolio presented by Paulo Eduardo Carvalho, which corresponds to a sequence that he studied in depth for his doctoral thesis, stands out, as well as the texto that occupies the Loose Archive, which stems from the master’s thesis in Theatre Studies that Paula Magalhães presented to the School of Arts and Humanities (University of Lisbon). If the news from outside takes us from New York to Sheffield and Thessaloniki to tell us about already established realities, Applied Studies – which stem from a colloquium organized by the Centre for Theatre Studies of the University of Lisbon – focuses on Harold Pinter . Includes interview with João Perry. Critical essays on performances, together with the thematic dossier and academic articles, continue to structure the identity of this publication, aimed at all those interested in the performing arts.
Featured authors: Ana Bigotte Vieira | Ana Campos | Ana Isabel Vasconcelos | Ana Pais | Ana Raquel Lourenço Fernandes | Catarina Maia | Christine Zurbach | Constança Carvalho Homem | Daniel Boto | Eduarda Dionísio | Francesca Rayner | Francis Gillen | Maria Helena V. Werneck | João Carneiro | José António Pedrosa | Maria Helena Serôdio | Maria João Brilhante | Mark-Taylor Batty | Marta Brites Rosa | Paula Magalhães | Paulo Eduardo Carvalho | Rui Pina Coelho | Sebastiana Fadda | Vanessa Silva Pereira | Vera Nobre Leitão