Sinais de Cena, Nr. 8

sinais de cena n.º 8

In the eighth issue of Sinais de Cena are presented the communications brought by colleagues from the International Association of Theatre Critics, which fill out the Thematic Dossier section of this issue and represent forms of interesting debate, bringing together very diverse experiences – in a vast international and intercontinental cartography – and launching clues that can be mobilized around issues related not only to theatre in general, but also, most likely, to think about – and evaluate – the Portuguese artistic reality. Proving, however, how this magazine seeks to follow the most diversified lines of acting in theatre, two important contributions from philologists – Burghard Dedner and Luigi Giuliani – are reserved for Applied Studies – who have worked on texts, respectively, by playwrights Georg Büchner and Lope de Vega. From what is being done around the world, the idea that, with classic texts or new dramaturgical formulations, the theatre in New York or Edinburgh serves to interrogate the political reasons that move the world in the days of today. Portfolio contains some relevant information about Fiama Hasse Pais Brandão’s theatrical career, seeking to signal her importance as a playwright and translator. Includes interview with Circolando company. Critical essays on performances, together with the thematic dossier and academic articles, continue to structure the identity of this publication, aimed at all those interested in the performing arts.

Featured authors: Aleks Sierz | Ana Campos | Ana Pais | Burghard Dedner | Christine Zurbach | Constança Carvalho Homem | Don Rubin | Donato Loscalzo | Hervé Guay | Ian Herbert | Isabel Alves Costa | Jean-Pierre Han | João Carneiro | João Dionísio | Luigi Giuliani | Luiz Francisco Rebello | Maria Helena Serôdio | Maria João Almeida | Maria João Brilhante | Marta Brites Rosa | Marta Costa Dias | Miguel Falcão | Paulo Eduardo Carvalho | Paulo Filipe Monteiro | Rui Pina Coelho | Sebastiana Fadda | Steve Capra | Yun-Cheol Kim


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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