What we do
CET researches different aspects of the theatre, as well as performance and images that can be related to it. Some of the Centre’s work is done in teams and some individually, such as PhD and post-doctoral projects. We, therefore, welcome visitors who are in tune with our research and want to work with us.
Research is linked to numerous scientific activities promoted by researchers, often in conjunction with other academic institutions or artistic organisations. The aim is thus to create a network that sustains and participates in the various projects in progress, while giving back to the enlarged community the results of its work through scientific meetings, publications, workshops, cultural events and the recently redesigned page with its open access digital resources.
One of the means for disseminating knowledge and internationalising research that the CET wants to reinforce in the near future is its journal Sinais de Cena, which is fully available at https://revistas.rcaap.pt/sdc/issue/archive.
CET has maintained its own editorial practice regarding previously unpublished texts and fundamental studies for the history and criticism of theatre produced in Portugal, seeking to compensate for the reduced appetite of commercial and state publishers for this area. On this page, there is a showcase with all of our publications that can be purchased at CET or consulted in libraries.
At CET, beginning research is an activity taken seriously. From FLUL degree students in Performing Arts to Master’s and PhD students in Theatre Studies, we have been creating a generation of young researchers in this field of studies, each increasingly hybridized by the objects studied and the knowledge invoked, but with an internationally renowned background in the academic world. We are proud to be part of this worldwide network of theatre and performance scholars where our work is recognized.