ENTRIB – Iberian «entremezes»: inventory, edition and study

Catalogue of entremezes and other short plays (loas, bailes, sainetes, mogigangas, etc.) composed between the 16th and 18th centuries in the different Iberian languages.
Edition and study of the textual corpus of multiple linguistic traditions.

Trilogia dos Gigante: Electronic edition

With this project, the electronic edition of the texts that constitute Fernando Pessoa’s “Trilogy of Giants” was created. The unpublished fragments will be subjected to transcription, accurate revision and electronic editing. A computer application was developed and will allow the visualisation of the images of the manuscripts, their respective transcriptions (diplomatic and updated), genetic apparatus, historical and contextualisation notes, appropriate research fields, thus making known a fundamental work that will contribute to the deepening of research in the field of Pessoa studies (Pessoa’s theatre being a very evident gap), but also to the study of the literary appropriation of myth (of mythological themes and figures) in Pessoa’s work (and, by extension, in the theatre of the 20th century). The electronic edition also allows free access to the texts made available, both in Portugal and across borders, contributing to the dissemination of the poet’s work.


TPC XIX – Forbidden and censored theatre in Portugal in the 19th century

This catalogue brings together all the theatre titles submitted to the censorship authorities for printing or performance, and which received a prohibition order or approval conditional on changes in the 19th century.

For some of them, the texts that accompanied the applications submitted, on which the censorship order was issued, are preserved (identified with A); for others, there are printed or handwritten materials, before or after the one submitted for examination, which have since been lost (B); there are cases of which there is only news of the submission to censorship, and no testimony of the texts is preserved (C).


TPC XVIII – Forbidden and Censored Texts in 18th Century Portuguese Theatre

The aim of the project was to inventory, transcribe and make available on the Internet the negative opinions issued on theatre texts submitted to the censorship bodies of the 19th century (mainly the Theatre Censorship, the Drama Council and the General Inspectorate of Theatres) and to subsequently edit those texts that were banned or censored, whose manuscripts have reached us. The project is an important contribution not only to the history of theatre, literature and language, but also to the history of mentalities.


Fausto: uma existência digital

This project was developed in partnership with the Cátedra Fernando Pessoa at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at Universidad de los Andes, with the collaboration of Casa Fernando Pessoa, and was financed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (P 139699). Its objectives were to inventory all fragments that constitute the Fausto of Fernando Pessoa, to present new transcriptions, and to make them available online. The fragments were transcribed after the establishment of criteria akin to those adopted by the critical editions of Fernando Pessoa’s work. A computer application was developed allowing simultaneous view of each original document, its respective transcription, and genetic apparatus, including also historical and contextual notes that may inspire other proposals of textual organizations, thus filling a gap in the current research on Pessoan studies and providing knowledge of this corpus outside Portugal, where Pessoa’s drama is still virtually unknown.


TAP XVII – Portuguese Theatre of the 17th century: a digital library

This resource aims to edit all the theatre by Portuguese authors of the 17th century, constituting a digital library hosted on the website of the Centre for Theatre Studies, as is already the case with 16th century Portuguese theatre (www.cet-equinhentos.com), for which the CET has developed and refined electronic editing and publishing techniques that allow universal consultation of all 16th century theatre texts, making available images of manuscripts and first editions, providing a complete and complex apparatus of notes that establish hyperlinks between texts, and an exhaustive bibliography.


TAP XVI – Portuguese Theatre of the 16th Century

This site brings together the works that make up the history of theatre in the 16th century in Portugal, in an edition prepared at the Centre for Theatre Studies, directed by José Camões, with Helena Reis Silva, Isabel Pinto, Lurdes Patrício, Inês Morais, Filipa Freitas and José Pedro Sousa (resulting from the POCTI/ELT/33464/2000 project of the Foundation for Science and Technology).

The texts are presented using strict transcription criteria, tending to modernise the spelling, eliminating obvious typographical errors and maintaining the phonetic marks of the 16th century language.
The editorial technique makes information available through thematic fields, glossary, critical notes for research, facsimiles and bibliography.


OPSIS – Portuguese Theatre Iconographic Database

PSIS is a project of the Centre for Theatre Studies (CET) of the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon, with funding support of the FCT-Science and Technology Foundation (PTDC/EAT/69595/2006). At the beginning of the 1990’s, image started to rise in importance and to conquer a new status in theatre studies. By that time, Theatrical Iconography defined itself as a field of studies, crossing theatre studies and art history, under the patronage of distinguished art historians such as Cesare Molinari, Ines Aliverti, Robert Erenstein or Martine de Rougemont.


HTPonline – Documentos para a História do Teatro em Portugal

Documentos para a História do Teatro em Portugal (ISBN 978-989-95460-8-0) is a pilot project for the collection of documentary sources on theatre activity from the 16th to the 19th century, resulting from the HTP online project, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (PTDC/HAH/72397/2006).

It allows not only the free search of the documentary corpus (consisting of manuscripts, printed matter and their digital copies), but also the selection by parameters: years, pre-established categories and indexed descriptors. For each category and descriptor, in alphabetical order, the user is provided with essential information about each one.



CETbase is an information system on theatre in Portugal, designed from scratch and implemented at the Centre for Theatre Studies. It has as its privileged pole the unit “Espectáculo” and it is according to it that the information related to all the elements that compose it, such as people, companies, festivals, presentation places, texts, etc., is noted.

Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

© 2023 Centro de Estudos de Teatro da Faculdade de Letras da ULisboa

Este website é financiado por fundos nacionais através da FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., no âmbito dos projectos «UIDB/00279/2020» e «UIDP/00279/2020».

This website is funded by national funds through FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P., under the projects «UIDB/00279/2020» and «UIDP/00279/2020».

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