The Heritage of Theatre: Talk Show

Teatro em Espólios

Between 4th and 22nd October, the exhibition “Teatro em Espolios: Ciclo de Conversas e Mostra”, organized with the Centre for Communication and Management of Library Cultural Activities, was on display in the FLUL Library exhibition gallery. On Mondays, in October, a Conversation Cycle on Contemporary Theatre in Lisbon and Porto: spaces, collections, archives ran in parallel Curated by Ana Bigotte Vieira and Maria João Brilhante (Lisbon) and the Teatro Experimental do Porto, it provided an opportunity to carry out an inventory on the state of the archives of recent Portuguese theatre. It also brought together representatives of theatre companies from institutions or organisations involved in theatre production for a first debate on a pressing question for the history of culture and theatre: what to do with the documentation produced on artistic activity? This debate was continued at Espaço Campanhã, in Porto, in November.

Organization: Maria João Brilhante | Ana Bigotte Vieira Cosimo Chiarelli Filipe Figueiredo Maria João Almeida Marta Brites Rosa Rita Delgado Martins Rui Pina Coelho Sebastiana Fadda.

Data de início: 23/10/2018 12:00 am



Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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