Webinar: Puppet Theatre and Animated Forms: Theories and Practices


The Webinar, “Teatro de Marionetas e Formas Animadas: Teorias e Praticas” was organised by the CRILUS (Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires sur le monde lusophone), the Lindley Cintra Chair of Portuguese at Paris Univ. 8, – Saint Denis in partnership with the Casa de Portugal – André de Gouveia, on 18th February, with Miguel Falcão (Lisbon Education College) and Catarina Firmo (Lisbon Univ. / Lisbon Education College).

This webinar session was part of A Língua Portuguesa em Culturas [The Portuguese Language in Cultures] cycle of PhD seminars (also open to Master’s students) run by the Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires sur le monde lusophone (CRILUS – Etudes Romanes) da Universidade Paris Nanterre, proposed by Graça dos Santos and José Manuel da Costa Esteves, in partnership with the Lindley Cintra Chair of Portuguese at Paris Univ. 8, – Saint Denis and the Casa de Portugal – André de Gouveia.


Date: 18th February 2021
Those interested could enrol by sending an email to

More information is available here


Data de início: 18/02/2021 12:00 am

Link: https://www.epefrance.org/2021/02/07/webinario-teatro-de-marionetas-e-formas-animadas-teorias-e-praticas-organizado-pelo-crilus/


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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