Exhibition Opening: José Marques and a New Model for Stage Photography

José Marques: Fotógrafo em Cena

On 27th March, World Theatre Day, the exhibition: José Marques and a New Model for Stage Photography opened at the Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, focused on one of the most important names in Portuguese stage photography. The exhibition catalogue was launched at the same time, which aims to provide an entrance into José Marques’ work.

The exhibition curators were Cláudia Madeira, Filipe Figueiredo and Teresa Flores. The exhibition and catalogue were organized by the D. Maria II in partnership with CET, FLUL and IC. Nova da FCSH-UNL / World Academy.

 The exhibition was open at Teatro Nacional D. Maria II until 28th June 2020. 

More information here

Data de início: 27/03/2019 12:00 am

Link: https://www.tndm.pt/pt/atividades/jose-marques-fotografo-em-cena/


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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