International Conference Photography and History

International Conference Photography and History

The purpose of this conference is to envision the role of photography in different contexts – such as the institutional and personal archive, in social networks or in artistic practice -, as a means to stimulate history, here understood as a narrative that questions contemporaneity based on evidences and regimes of thought and visuality from the past.

A specific session of the conference will be carried out in partnership with PERPHOTO project (FCT/PTDC/ART-PER/31693/2017), aiming to foster the discussion on topics emerging from the relationship between photography and history in the context of performance theory and the performing arts.

Organization: ICNOVA – Instituto de Comunicação da Nova / Observatório EVAM e da Universidade da Madeira / Conselho de Cultura. Parceria com PERPHOTO – Performing the gaze

Data de início: 15/12/2021 12:00 am



Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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