Persons with Relationships with Pessoa Exhibition

Exposição Pessoas com Relações com Pessoa

How can a sonnet resonate in the body of one who reads it? Fernando Pessoa considered himself an essentially dramatic poet. We see this drama in the ways he made writing a stage for literary figures created by himself, often with relationships—familial, poetic or intellectual—to each other. We photographed 42 unrehearsed readings of Pessoa’s sonnets, seizing moments of encounter that show a web of relationships: between photographed & photographer, voice & sonnet, body & memory, Pessoa-sonnet & person-reciting. We invite you to extend the web by establishing new relationships.

This exhibitions, curated by Pedro Matos Soares and Carlos Pittella will be available between 15 of April and 31 of Octobre of 2021 on Casa Fernando Pessoa. 


Data de início: 31/10/2021 12:00 am



Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

© 2023 Centro de Estudos de Teatro da Faculdade de Letras da ULisboa

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