A Ramalheteira da Sécia, Dando Pasto de Escárnio a um Estudante Peralta

A Ramalheteira da Sécia, Dando Pasto de Escárnio a um Estudante Peralta

Entremez was ordered to be seized by the Royal Censor’s Office in 1783, the year it was published. Only a single copy is known, deposited in the Library of the D. Maria II National Theatre, which is edited here.

The entremez is part of a theatrical tradition that was consolidated in the second half of the 18th century. Several ingredients of the popular show are recognisable, starting with the title, which invokes the figures of ‘peraltas’ and ‘sécias’, which became popular in 18th century theatre.

Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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