António Pedro by Rui Pina Coelho
This third volume of the collection offers a biography of António Pedro (1909-1966) seen through the magnifying glass of his work in the theater, in favor of transforming a field he knew so well. He worked in very diverse areas, which Rui Pina Coelho describes in this way: “Poet, novelist, novelist, playwright, translator, director, theatrical designer, set designer, costume designer, artistic director, writer, essayist, editor, painter, sculptor, ceramist, journalist, speaker, art critic, lecturer, a heteroclite profile, with an inquisitive and restless spirit, who was interested in many areas and disciplines, such as advertising, lighting design, sound design or the graphic arts. ”
Through this biography the reader will discover a complex theatrical territory that António Pedro was part of and actively promoted, made up of groups of amateurs and professionals who tried to renew the scene, raising the quality of the shows, and a dynamic editorial work to disseminate modern aesthetic theories and trends.