Francisco Palha – Collection “Biografias do Teatro Português” (Vol. 7)

Colecção de Biografias do Teatro Português

Francisco Palha by Levi Martins

The seventh volume of this collection is dedicated to Francisco Palha (1827-1890), the main promoter of the construction of Lisbon’s Teatro da Trindade and its first manager. Despite the acknowledged importance of his enterprise, which celebrated its 150th anniversary in 2017, there was a whole previous history, which has been forgotten until now, and which explains the success achieved at the time with this new theater.

The intimate way in which the author brings us closer to the life of the biographer and the personal tone of his writing make this a pleasant read to discover a man of the theater, whose discreet place in our collective memory does not correspond at all to the real importance of his actions.


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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