Sinais de Cena, Nr. 17

Sinais de cena, n.º 17

This seventeenth issue includes a text by Christine Zurbach that evaluates precisely a memory show that CENDREV created to remember Mário Barradas – Café Mário. In two other sections, the outstanding work of Luiz Francisco Rebello, who left us in December 2011, is evoked. We remember him as an excellent historian and essayist of Portuguese theatre (in Applied Studies) and as a playwright of great artistic competence, who was able to courageously approach fracturing themes in his inspired dramaturgies, as Sebastiana Fadda rightly points out at the opening of the Portfolio. In Applied Studies Daniel Rosa brings us news about the revelation of Japanese theatre in Portugal, at the beginning of the 20th century, with the presence of Saddayakko (or Sada Yacco) and Otojiro Kawakami. On the condition of the critics, Elisabeth Costa resumes a brief foray in the Loose archive, recalling the brilliant and bellicose Joaquim Madureira, who signed his theater reviews as Braz Burity. In the case of the Thematic Dossier, the opinions on the attribution of the Critic’s Awards are included. In Applied Studies, Gustavo Vicente talks about the new stage dramaturgy in “Geração sem Fronteiras”. A more elaborate theoretical reflection is brought here by Anabela Mendes, which opens ways to questioning about “the cognitive parameters applied to theatre and other arts’ audiences”, for a Sociology of the Performing Arts. Includes interview with Bruno Bravo. Critical essays on performances, together with the thematic dossier and academic articles, continue to structure the identity of this publication, aimed at all those interested in the performing arts.

Featured authors: Alexandra Moreira da Silva | Ana Bigotte Vieira | Ana Isabel Vasconcelos | Anabela Mendes | Cecília Ferreira | Christine Zurbach | Constança Carvalho Homem | Daniel Rosa | Daniele Avila Small | Elisabeth Costa | Emília Costa | Francesca Rayner | Gustavo Vicente | Isabel Pinto | João Carneiro | José Alves de Carvalho | Luiz Carlos Oliveira | Maria Helena Serôdio | Marta Brito Cunha | Miguel Castro Caldas | Miguel Honrado | Rui Pina Coelho | Sebastiana Fadda | Susana Chicó


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