Teatro e Imagem

Teatro e Imagens

The scientific meeting Theatre and Images, which the Centre for Theatre Studies organised on 5 and 6 February 2010, was the first in Portugal dedicated to the relationship between theatre and image, open to all scholars of the visual and performing arts.

The meeting took place as part of the research project OPSIS – Base Iconográfica de Teatro em Portugal (Iconographic Database of Theatre in Portugal), which began in 2008 and is concerned with the collection and study of images relevant to the history of theatre in Portugal. National and foreign specialists who have been carrying out research into theatre iconography were invited to contribute to the continuation of this work, both through the lectures they gave and the suggestions they made when confronted with the proposed iconographic database and unknown images of Portuguese theatre.

The meeting also aimed to draw the attention of theatre and photography professionals to the importance of images in the writing of theatre history and in the study of countless aspects that help to understand the artistic tendencies of theatre in each era.

Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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