The O Canto do Bode acting studio begins its 2025 open activities by announcing registration for the workshop Acting in the Unknown. In it, participants will have the opportunity to explore the exercises that the studio has been working on and which recently guided the creation of EXERCISE FOR A METAMORPHOSIS, based on F. Kafka’s A METAMORPHOSIS. What these exercises have in common is a focus on situations and phenomena that are beyond the understanding and control of the actress and actor. By focusing on the unknown, the actor and actress expand the notion of what they believe they are, what they believe the character, the scene, the world, life are. This expansion is mainly due to the establishment of psychophysical dynamics that intensify the action on stage. What is the problem to be faced? The unknown also causes discomfort, fear and hesitation. Even though the actress and actor are aware that they have to take risks in the face of the unknown, they defend themselves, involuntarily. Resistance will only be minimized through systematic work focused on reviewing perceptual habits and automated ways of acting (on stage and in the world).

Date: 22nd February 2025

Venue: Companhia Olga Roriz. Travessa do Recolhimento Lázaro Leitão, nº.1, 1149-044, Lisbon. Room: Estúdio Jardim

For more information click here

Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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