Narciso ou o Namorado de Si Mesmo | Narciso ou o Peralta Namorado de Si Mesmo

Narciso ou o Namorado de Si Mesmo | Narciso ou o Peralta Namorado de Si Mesmo

Narcisse ou l’amant de lui-même was performed for the first time on 18 December 1752 at the Théâtre de la Rue des Fossés de Saint Germain in Paris and was published in January of the following year (s. n., s. l.). Approximately 20 years later, it was ready to take to the national stage, becoming the first work by Rousseau to be translated into Portuguese. Two eighteenth-century translations are published here, one from 1772 and the other from the end of the century, very different from each other: the first was intended to be performed at the Bairro Alto Theatre and the second was more literary and literal.

Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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