O teatro em debate(s)

The debate around the theatre that is made, organised, seen, desired or studied in Portugal has sparked off opinions, sometimes circumstantial writings, relatively heated discussions, and some larger meetings where the most pressing issues end up being addressed. Two of them provide the basic material for this book: the First Portuguese Theatre Congress, held at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in 1993, and the Colloquium ‘The man on his back: The body in theatre, cinema, photography and the plastic arts’, which the Centre for Theatre Studies organised in 2003, also at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation. Many of the papers presented in these two major events have undeniable documentary value, but there are also reflective and artistic reasons for reading them carefully.An introductory essay was added to the interventions that accompanied much of the reflection of theatre professionals in the almost twenty years leading up to the Congress, that is, since 1974, with the aim of highlighting not only the lines of development of the theatrical reality, but also the persistence of concerns, desires and contradictions that could necessarily be identified in a cultural field as vast, complex and heterogeneous as this one, over almost two decades. For their part, the Colloquium’s texts already point to the broadening of the field of reflection brought about by Theatre Studies, introduced to us in the 1990s, since other artistic practices, other theoretical reasons and other epistemological conditions converge in this new territory of knowledge. This is how Theatre in Debate(s) continues to be developed in Portugal, and it is here, in a privileged way, registered as a contribution to a broader history of theatre in Portugal.

Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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