Sinais de Cena, Nr. 4

Sinais de cena n.º 4

The fourth issue of Sinais de Cena highlights the attention given to foreign dramaturgy – in reaction to the Nobel Prize awarded to playwright Harold Pinter. In the case of the Centre for Theatre Studies, the recent organization (last April) of the conferences on the “History of Theater and New Technologies” brought articles by Marvin Carlson (currently at the City University of New York), and Erika Fischer- Lichte (from the Free University of Berlin), in this issue translated, occupying both the “Network” and “Applied Studies” headings. Also noteworthy is the interview with João Paulo Seara Cardoso, revealing a curious and lucid excavation of memory to talk about his passionate connection to a theatre with puppetry. The Loose Archive recalls the Teatro Novo project by António Ferro and includes a Portfolio dedicated to Teatro Experimental de Cascais and the celebration of its 40th anniversary. Critical essays on performances, together with the thematic dossier and academic articles, continue to structure the identity of this publication, aimed at all those interested in the performing arts.

Featured authors: Ana Vaz Fernandes | Cláudia Madeira | Christine Zurbach | Daniel Tércio | Erika Fischer-Lichte | Francesca Rayner | Guillermo Heras | Isabel Alves Costa | João M. Diniz Ferreira | Jorge Silva Melo | Luiz Francisco Rebello | Liliana Coutinho | Maria Helena Serôdio | Maria João Brilhante | Mário Cláudio | Marvin Carlson | Paulo Eduardo Carvalho | Rita Castro Neves | Rita Duarte Correia | Rui Pina Coelho | Sebastiana Fadda | Tiago Bartolomeu Costa


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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