Tragédia da Vingança que Foi Feita Sobre a Morte Del Rei Agaménom (Tragédia de Orestes)

Tragédia da vingança que foi feita sobre a morte del Rei Agaménom (Tragédia de Orestes)

This work is a verse adaptation of Sophocles‘ Electra – the subject of which is also Electra and Orestes’ revenge on Clytemnestra and Aegisthus, Agamemnon’s murderers – published twice in the 16th century, the first in 1536 and the second in 1555. Very close to La Venganza de Agamenón, the prose version that Fernán Pérez de Oliva made of the same Greek tragedy in 1528, Anrique Aires Vitória’s work is also a kind of paraphrase of the Greek tragedian’s text, finding in it the inspiration, the theme and the model for the dramatic development, the aim of which, as the author states in the ‘Prologue’, is to show how useful the readings of the ancients are, and how great examples of life and firm moral doctrine can be drawn from them.


Faculdade de Letras Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

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